Friday, September 5, 2008

It's the deep breath before the plunge (that no one can hear)

Today is the day we offically start moving on this here road trip.  We're leaving tonight after dinner to drive for about 4 hours to Kansas City, where we're staying to for the night.

Right now, we're trying to figure out the camera that Road Trip Nation sent us and we're having some problems with the sound. We're going to call our friend at the HQ, Kristin Esteves, to get some help. We're not going have much luck getting advice from all the cool people we're going to talk to if we can't hear them, as Justin just said. 

Hopefully that will get sorted out before we leave.  I think we'll probably give up soon and go buy food at Costco. I'm excited because I've never been to Costco before and have a great need for a 12 pack of bathing suits (thanks, Luke).  And then we're going to stuff all those 12 packs into the tiny, tiny car. Cozy! 

Wish us luck!


1 comment:

Pranks said...

(Wonderella voice:) Tiny swimsuit!

I thought you beat Phoenix like 697,890 times already.